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There are 81 seventeen-letter words containing A, C, I, N, O, V and Yanhydroleucovorin anticommutativity anticompetitively anticooperatively anticooperativity bronchoreactivity café␣revolutionary cardioventilatory carrying␣violation circumvolutionary conjunctivoplasty Conservative␣party Conservative␣Party conversationality conversion␣therapy copy-number␣variant countably␣additive counteradaptivity cryopreservations cryopulverization cultivation␣theory cyanosiphoviruses cybercivilization cyberconversation cyberinvestigator do␣you␣have␣children drive␣someone␣crazy electronegatively electronegativity endoventricularly every␣once␣in␣a␣while galvanometrically galvanostatically hypercivilization hyperconservation hyperconservatism hyperconservative hypervesiculation hypervolcanically immunovaccinology incommunicatively Indian␣River␣County infraconnectivity interprovincially invasion␣of␣privacy involuntary␣muscle laevocycloversion lymphaticovenular macroconnectivity macroevolutionary microevolutionary Milankovitch␣cycle neodihydrocarveol nonanticipativity nonconservatively nonconventionally Orange␣River␣Colony overcomplimentary polyvictimization polyvinyl␣alcohols psychoactivations recursive␣acronyms reverse␣dictionary revisionistically short␣ciliary␣nerve socioevolutionary subconjunctivally supervolcanically top-heavy␣fractions uncommunicatively uncontroversially unconventionality undiscoverability vasocontractility velocity␣potential videolaryngoscope video␣laryngoscope videolaryngoscopy Vincenty's␣formulae vinylcyclopropane working␣vocabulary
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 18 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 3 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: no word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: 1 word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 3 words
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