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There are 45 seventeen-letter words containing A, C, 2O, 2S and WAmerican␣basswoods answer␣on␣a␣postcard black␣swallowworts black␣swallow-worts blows␣up␣in␣one's␣face Bower-Barff␣process carry␣owls␣to␣Athens cast␣in␣one's␣lot␣with cast␣someone's␣water coconut␣washboards Collyweston␣slates cowboys␣and␣Indians cryptoransomwares Dagwood␣sandwiches emission␣allowance Eurasian␣scops␣owls Eurasian␣woodcocks five␣o'clock␣shadows gotten␣down␣to␣cases having␣a␣screw␣loose horseshoe␣sandwich loose-meat␣sandwich low-dose␣CT␣scanning malicious␣software orders␣to␣show␣cause Oxford␣pillowcases sandwich␣compounds scaffolding␣towers second␣yellow␣cards see␣one's␣way␣clear␣to shot␣across␣the␣bows shots␣across␣the␣bow southern␣cassowary swinging-door␣chads tobacco␣splitworms tomato␣clownfishes two␣seconds␣to␣black weapons␣inspectors Weiss-Cook␣reaction West␣Coast␣offenses williamsoniaceous wolf␣in␣one's␣stomach worse␣case␣scenario worst-case␣scenario worst␣case␣scenario
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 11 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 17 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 5 words
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