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There are 57 seventeen-letter words containing A, F, 2H, O, R and SAfrican␣toothaches antrums␣of␣Highmore Ashford-in-the-Water aspidorhynchiform breaths␣of␣fresh␣air chambers␣of␣horrors children␣of␣Ishmael chocolate␣starfish closets␣of␣the␣heart daughters␣of␣Sappho dust␣heap␣of␣history East␣Hertfordshire Featherstonehaugh ferrohexahydrites Fischer's␣chameleon flavors␣of␣the␣month Florida␣horse␣conch fluorophosphanate fluorophosphonate half␣brothers-in-law Hällefors␣Elkhound handkerchief␣codes hardness␣of␣hearing have␣a␣safe␣trip␣home health␣informatics hemorrhagic␣fevers hexafluoroethanes hold␣all␣of␣the␣cards homes␣away␣from␣home ichthyosauriforms in␣the␣arms␣of␣Murphy ischnacanthiforms knight␣of␣the␣shears lick␣of␣the␣tarbrush light␣in␣the␣loafers masters␣of␣the␣horse megalichthyiforms mother␣of␣thousands off␣with␣the␣fairies orthothioformates other␣fish␣in␣the␣sea phosphofluoridate phosphonoformates photofluorographs pride␣of␣authorship scare␣the␣hell␣out␣of scare␣the␣shit␣out␣of Seal␣of␣the␣Prophets shortness␣of␣breath States␣of␣the␣Church thanks␣for␣your␣help thioformaldehydes threw␣gas␣on␣the␣fire throw␣gas␣on␣the␣fire trachichthyiforms whys␣and␣wherefores wolframophosphate
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