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There are 54 seventeen-letter words containing A, F, K, N, O, R and Tabsofreakinlutely Ackermann␣function affiliate␣networks Alaskan␣tundra␣wolf breaking␣the␣back␣of bronze␣featherback California␣blanket clitoral␣foreskins country-fried␣steak dead␣from␣the␣neck␣up differential␣locks docketing␣software drinking␣fountains Feldenkrais␣Method fermentation␣locks flatnose␣catsharks flown␣the␣freak␣flag fluoroalkylations Ford␣and␣Stoke␣Prior framework␣knitters frankhawthorneite Frisby␣on␣the␣Wreake grandfather␣clocks grandfather's␣clock grandmotherfucker if␣only␣the␣czar␣knew if␣only␣the␣tsar␣knew information␣market knight␣of␣the␣hammer knight␣of␣the␣shears knocks␣at␣the␣door␣of like␣father␣like␣son like␣father,␣like␣son long␣drinks␣of␣water make␣head␣nor␣tail␣of making␣short␣work␣of monkey␣forecastles New␣York␣breakfasts off␣the␣beaten␣track pair␣of␣nutcrackers raining␣pitchforks ranks␣of␣apparition Shackelford␣County swan␣neck␣deformity take␣no␣for␣an␣answer take␣one␣for␣the␣team talk␣out␣of␣one's␣arse tall␣drinks␣of␣water thank␣God␣it's␣Friday thanks␣for␣your␣help thick␣and␣threefold took␣one␣for␣the␣team uniform␣antshrikes worked␣one's␣tail␣off
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 19 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 194 words
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 37 words
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