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There are 65 eighteen-letter words containing 2A, B, H, N, P and Sabnormal␣psychology ahaptoglobinaemias antibioprophylaxis antibronchospastic antiprothrombinase antithromboplastin apparent␣brightness ausktribosphenidan bachelor␣apartments bacillariophyceans Bacon-Shakespearean balneotherapeutics Banff␣Springs␣physae Banff␣Springs␣physas baritone␣saxophones behavioral␣patterns biopathomechanisms bisanthrapyrazoles blepharonasofacial boat-shaped␣abdomens brachylophosaurins brachymesophalangy broadswordsmanship buckshorn␣plantains buck's␣horn␣plantains carbamoylphosphine Chappuis␣absorption database␣publishing didaskaleinophobia dustpans␣and␣brushes eat,␣breathe,␣and␣sleep erythroblastopenia Goldbach␣partitions haploabnormalities hyperstabilisation hyperstabilization inception-flashback inception␣flashback irreproachableness oesophagobronchial opisthobranchiates palaeobiomechanics paleoethnobotanist Paschen-Back␣effects peace␣establishment phantom␣bone␣disease pharyngobranchials photostabilization phototransformable phytostabilisation phytostabilization pizza␣sub␣sandwiches postrehabilitation realphabetizations sphaerobertrandite splice␣the␣mainbrace subarachnoid␣spaces sulphocarbonic␣acid tarnished␣plant␣bugs telephone␣alphabets tetraphenylborates thrombocytopaenias unapproachableness unphosphorylatable unreproachableness
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 60 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 71 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: 2 words
- Dutch Wiktionary: 28 words
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