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There are 51 eighteen-letter words containing A, 2F, N, 2R and Saffect␣perseverance African␣clawed␣frogs angled␣for␣farthings angles␣for␣farthings angles␣of␣refraction arrestable␣offences bracelets␣of␣fortune differential␣screws drink␣from␣a␣firehose efferent␣arterioles every␣man␣for␣himself every␣man␣for␣hisself Faà␣di␣Bruno's␣formula fairweather␣friends fair-weather␣friends fair␣weather␣friends ferriferrocyanides ferrofluid␣dynamics fifth␣cranial␣nerves first␣point␣of␣Cancer foraminiferivorous foraminiferologist forgives␣and␣forgets formyltransferases fossa␣of␣Rosenmüller fructofuranosidase fructotransferases fucosyltransferase gingerbread-offices gingerbread␣offices infratemporal␣fossa know␣from␣a␣bar␣of␣soap Korsakoff's␣syndrome made␣of␣sterner␣stuff Malabar␣flying␣frogs narrow-width␣effects offer␣one␣can't␣refuse on␣trial␣for␣one's␣life Order␣of␣Friars␣Minor partial␣false␣friend perfluorosulfonate quantum␣ferrofluids raffinosaccharides rat␣printing␣offices redifferentiations ring␣of␣the␣fisherman self-referentiality suffer␣by␣comparison sulfurtransferases three␣score␣and␣fifth transdifferentiate
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 95 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 7 words
- German Wiktionary: 128 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 16 words
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