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There are 46 nineteen-letter words containing 2A, G, K, 2N and Sa␣nod␣is␣as␣good␣as␣a␣wink antilopine␣kangaroos backward-lookingness baking␣someone's␣bread bangs␣like␣a␣dunny␣door Basingstoke␣and␣Deane Brook␣rearrangements California␣kingsnake changing␣like␣seasons eastern␣grey␣kangaroo Eastern␣indigo␣snakes Facebook␣generations gangly␣drinks␣of␣water Generation␣Snowflake golden␣palace␣monkeys in␣a␣manner␣of␣speaking Jhankot␣Sign␣Language kicking␣and␣screaming King␣Charles␣spaniels making␣oneself␣at␣home making␣oneself␣scarce market␣segmentations Nenets␣Herding␣Laikas no␣parking␣whitebeams personally␣attacking pinning␣one's␣ears␣back ploughman's-spikenard ploughman's␣spikenard rain␣like␣cats␣and␣dogs ring-necked␣parakeets ring-necked␣pheasants shadow␣banking␣system skeletal␣eroding␣band skunk␣at␣a␣garden␣party slamming␣on␣the␣brakes snowflake␣generation Snowflake␣Generation spiritual␣awakenings Sri␣Lankan␣junglefowl taking␣it␣on␣the␣arches taking␣someone's␣fancy Ukrainian␣Easter␣eggs walking␣dictionaries walk␣in␣straight␣lines western␣grey␣kangaroo you␣know␣what␣I'm␣saying
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 11 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 136 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 61 words
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