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There are 23 nineteen-letter words containing A, B, 2E, G, K and Lbeat␣like␣a␣jungle␣drum black-backed␣grosbeak bleeding-heart␣monkey blue-eared␣kingfisher breaking␣the␣deadlock changeable␣hawk-eagle golden␣silk␣orb-weaver keeps␣the␣ball␣rolling Kentucky␣bluegrasses like␣strange␣bulldogs loggerhead␣kingbirds looks␣can␣be␣deceiving moulding␣cocklebread negative␣lookbehinds red-winged␣blackbirds skeletal␣eroding␣band slamming␣on␣the␣brakes splitting␣the␣blanket suck,␣squeeze,␣bang,␣blow unbefuckinglievable unbe-fucking-lievable unfuckingbelievable white-winged␣black␣tit 23 definitions found- beat␣like␣a␣jungle␣drum — v. (Of a heart) To beat very fast, usually because of strong emotions.
- black-backed␣grosbeak — n. A small bird native to South America, Pheucticus aureoventris.
- bleeding-heart␣monkey — n. (Zoology) Synonym of gelada (Theropithecus gelada, Theropithecus pavian).
- blue-eared␣kingfisher — n. Alcedo meninting, an Asian kingfisher.
- breaking␣the␣deadlock — v. Present participle of break the deadlock.
- changeable␣hawk-eagle — n. The bird of prey Nisaetus cirrhatus.
- golden␣silk␣orb-weaver — n. A spider, Nephila.
- keeps␣the␣ball␣rolling — v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of keep…
- Kentucky␣bluegrasses — n. Plural of Kentucky bluegrass.
- like␣strange␣bulldogs — phr. (Simile, dated, of two or more people) Wary and unfriendly;…
- loggerhead␣kingbirds — n. Plural of loggerhead kingbird.
- looks␣can␣be␣deceiving — prov. A person, place, thing, or situation can be very different…
- moulding␣cocklebread — v. Present participle of mould cocklebread.
- negative␣lookbehinds — n. Plural of negative lookbehind.
- red-winged␣blackbirds — n. Plural of red-winged blackbird.
- skeletal␣eroding␣band — n. A disease of corals characterized by a dark band that slowly…
- slamming␣on␣the␣brakes — v. Present participle of slam on the brakes.
- splitting␣the␣blanket — v. Present participle of split the blanket.
- suck,␣squeeze,␣bang,␣blow — phr. (Automotive, engineering) A reference to the Otto cycle and…
- unbefuckinglievable — adj. (Vulgar) Far beyond belief; completely extraordinary.
- unbe-fucking-lievable — adj. (Slang, vulgar) Alternative form of unbefuckinglievable.
- unfuckingbelievable — adj. Synonym of unbefuckinglievable.
- white-winged␣black␣tit — n. Melaniparus leucomelas, a small bird of the tit family Paridae.
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 8 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
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