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There are 42 nineteen-letter words containing A, D, E, K, O, S and YAdams-Stokes␣syndrome alkylbenzimidazoles alkylhydroperoxides alkylhydroxylamides alkylideneaminoxyls bangs␣like␣a␣dunny␣door Barak␣Valley␣Division beyond␣the␣black␣stump broken␣heart␣syndrome dehydroshikimic␣acid dictionary␣attackers dysdiadochokinesias dysmegakaryopoiesis erythrokeratodermas gangly␣drinks␣of␣water golden␣palace␣monkeys grey-necked␣wood␣rails heteroskedastically Hinckley␣and␣Bosworth hydrostatic␣skeleton Kearns-Sayre␣syndrome ketocarboxylic␣acids keyboard␣instruments Lewis␣and␣Clark␣County moving␣the␣yardsticks one-eyed␣trouser␣snake passing␣under␣the␣yoke Pickwickian␣syndrome producer-only␣markets pseudohyperkalaemia pseudohyperkalemias scrawny␣drink␣of␣water shadow␣banking␣system shaken␣baby␣syndromes skinny␣drinks␣of␣water space-cadet␣keyboards spend␣money␣like␣water Stokes-Adams␣syndrome synchronised␣skating synchronized␣skating track␣and␣bowl␣systems yanked␣someone's␣chain
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 10 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 13 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 4 words
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