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There are 52 nineteen-letter words containing A, 2G, H, L, R and Sagribiotechnologies agrobiotechnologies angling␣for␣farthings Bausley␣with␣Criggion British␣Sign␣Language bronchoesophagology broncho-esophagology Cardigan␣Welsh␣corgis Cockney␣rhyming␣slang electrogastrographs electrogastrography electroglottographs electrosphygmograph flaming␣Lamborghinis gay-straight␣alliance give␣something␣a␣whirl goes␣along␣for␣the␣ride going␣to␣great␣lengths granddaughters-in-law graphing␣calculators green␣around␣the␣gills Greenwich␣Time␣Signal hysterosalpingogram laughing␣heir␣statute laughing␣kookaburras leaping␣through␣hoops lightning␣discharger loggerhead␣kingbirds loggerhead␣sea␣turtle logistical␣nightmare Madagascar␣fish␣eagle magnetochronologies midnight␣regulations oesophagopharyngeal oligomeganephronias paleobiogeographers paleozoogeographers physical␣geographers physicogeographical psychographological psychographologists Rayleigh␣scatterings reusable␣shopping␣bag rough-legged␣buzzards sociogeographically Sonogashira␣coupling special␣drawing␣right strangling␣the␣parrot sugarcoating␣the␣pill thousand-year-old␣eggs uterosalpingography whispering␣galleries
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 17 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 1 word
- German Wiktionary: 132 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 19 words
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