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There are 50 twenty-letter words containing A, N, P, 2R, S and WAmerican␣tree␣sparrows American␣Water␣Spaniel attorney's␣work␣product brown␣paper␣bag␣parties Eurasian␣sparrowhawks Eurasian␣tree␣sparrows free␣throw␣percentages Gippsland␣water␣dragon Goldwater␣Republicans Hambridge␣and␣Westport imprisonment␣warrants Japanese␣bush␣warblers Japanese␣sparrowhawks Madagascar␣periwinkle mechanical␣horsepower North␣Rhine-Westphalia nuclear␣power␣stations open␣feedwater␣heaters paint␣with␣a␣broad␣brush personal␣area␣networks poor␣man's␣weatherglass prawn␣sandwich␣brigade presentation␣software Prince␣Edward␣Islander professional␣wrestler Protestant␣work␣ethics prothonotary␣warblers Purification␣Rundowns raspberry␣crown␣borers rufous-crowned␣sparrow Sabaragamuwa␣Province screwdriver␣operation special␣drawing␣rights special␣warranty␣deeds speckle-fronted␣weaver state-owned␣enterprise state␣owned␣enterprise storage␣power␣stations supernumerary␣rainbow swearing␣like␣a␣trooper thermonuclear␣weapons View␣Park-Windsor␣Hills viewpoints␣frameworks West␣Baton␣Rouge␣Parish western␣capercaillies Western␣Hemispherians West␣Northamptonshire what's␣your␣phone␣number white-rumped␣sandpiper white␣top-hat␣transform
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 5 words
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- German Wiktionary: 71 words
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 53 words
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