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There are 38 twenty-one-letter words containing A, 2B, 2L, R and Salgebraic␣number␣fields bastard␣umbrella␣thorns be␣still␣my␣beating␣heart Bjelovarsko-bilogorska black␣and␣white␣warblers black-browed␣albatroses black-browed␣mollymawks black␣over␣Bill's␣mother's black-striped␣wallabies breaking␣someone's␣balls Broken␣Glass␣Republican bulletin␣board␣services cobbler,␣keep␣to␣your␣last collar-button␣abscesses digital␣subscriber␣line double-barreled␣shotgun grab␣the␣bull␣by␣the␣horns great␣black-backed␣gulls had␣the␣world␣by␣the␣balls has␣the␣world␣by␣the␣balls Himalayan␣blackberries holly-leaved␣barberries kick␣bollocks␣scrambles lesser␣black-backed␣gull pale-footed␣bush␣warbler probability␣amplitudes red-bellied␣black␣snakes sleeping␣barber␣problem Sleeping␣Beauty␣problem small␣cubicuboctahedra stable␣marriage␣problem stable␣matching␣problem strawberry␣gallbladder submandibular␣ganglion syllabic␣abbreviations take␣the␣bull␣by␣the␣horns yellow-billed␣grosbeaks yellow-breasted␣bunting
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 40 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 2 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 36 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 12 words
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