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There are 42 twenty-one-letter words containing A, B, C, I, K, O and Sbackhanded␣compliments back-handed␣compliments back-to-back␣connections bank-and-turn␣indicators Big␣Bend␣patchnose␣snake black-hooded␣antshrikes black␣over␣Bill's␣mother's bleeding␣like␣a␣stuck␣hog brachiocephalic␣trunks breakfasts␣of␣champions Broken␣Glass␣Republican chicken-and-egg␣problems combined␣braking␣system comfortable␣in␣one's␣skin continental␣breakfasts cycloalkylcarboxylics democratic␣backsliding fuck␣someone's␣brains␣out Great␣American␣Songbook green-backed␣firecrowns had␣one's␣ears␣pinned␣back has␣one's␣ears␣pinned␣back Hesketh␣with␣Becconsall kick␣bollocks␣scrambles like␣a␣bowl␣in␣a␣china␣shop like␣a␣bull␣in␣a␣china␣shop little␣black␣cormorants lymphoblastic␣leukemia Potter-Bucky␣diaphragms Rorschach␣inkblot␣tests rufous-backed␣antvireos scaly-breasted␣lorikeet skeleton␣in␣the␣cupboard snowball's␣chance␣in␣heck spring␣forward,␣fall␣back stick␣out␣like␣dog's␣balls stuck␣out␣like␣dog's␣balls supermassive␣black␣hole swear␣on␣a␣stack␣of␣Bibles swore␣on␣a␣stack␣of␣Bibles tick-borne␣encephalitis Triebel-Lizorkin␣spaces
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 8 words
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- German Wiktionary: 34 words
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 13 words
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