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There are 14 twenty-one-letter words containing A, B, D, E, K, L and Ybanging␣like␣a␣dunny␣door black␣alder␣winterberry black-billed␣flycatcher black-browed␣mollymawks black-tailed␣flycatcher buy␣a␣dog␣and␣bark␣oneself fork-tailed␣bush␣katydid green-backed␣flycatcher have␣the␣world␣by␣the␣neck purple-backed␣fairywren scaly-breasted␣lorikeet yellow-billed␣grosbeaks yellow-headed␣blackbird you␣make␣the␣bed␣you␣lie␣in 14 definitions found- banging␣like␣a␣dunny␣door — v. Present participle of bang like a dunny door.
- black␣alder␣winterberry — n. A deciduous holly shrub, Ilex verticillata, native to eastern…
- black-billed␣flycatcher — n. A bird native to the Americas, Aphanotriccus audax.
- black-browed␣mollymawks — n. Plural of black-browed mollymawk.
- black-tailed␣flycatcher — n. A South-American flycatcher, Myiobius atricaudus.
- buy␣a␣dog␣and␣bark␣oneself — v. To do something that one has hired someone else to do.
- fork-tailed␣bush␣katydid — n. Scudderia furcata, a species of katydid.
- green-backed␣flycatcher — n. Ficedula elisae, a species of perching bird.
- have␣the␣world␣by␣the␣neck — v. Alternative form of have the world by the tail.
- purple-backed␣fairywren — n. A species of fairywren, Malurus assimilis, of the Australia…
- scaly-breasted␣lorikeet — n. A lorikeet, Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus, of eastern Australia…
- yellow-billed␣grosbeaks — n. Plural of yellow-billed grosbeak.
- yellow-headed␣blackbird — n. Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, a medium-sized blackbird, and…
- you␣make␣the␣bed␣you␣lie␣in — prov. A person’s circumstances are normally the result of their own actions.
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