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There are 49 twenty-one-letter words containing A, C, D, G, R, S and Ybiphosphoglyceric␣acid celebrating␣Palm␣Sunday combined␣braking␣system Coxeter-Dynkin␣diagrams Crigler-Najjar␣syndrome cyclodehydrogenations directed␣acyclic␣graphs discretionary␣spending dysgranulocytopoiesis dyskeratosis␣congenita electrodiagnostically endopolygalacturonase endotransglucosylases endotransglycosidases endotransglycosylases foreign␣accent␣syndrome galactosylceramidases galactosylcerebroside garland␣chrysanthemums globotriaosylceramide glucosylcerebrosidase glycerophosphoric␣acid glycerophosphorylated hitting␣on␣all␣cylinders hydrogen␣gas␣electrodes hypertriglyceridemias magnetothermodynamics medial␣pterygoid␣muscle monoglycosylceramides organic␣brain␣syndromes pentaglycosylceramide phosphatidylglyceride phosphatidylglycerols phosphoglyceraldehyde playing␣one's␣cards␣right Potter-Bucky␣diaphragms Saturday-night␣specials Saturday␣night␣specials screaming␣bloody␣murder sends␣to␣the␣glue␣factory sialyloligosaccharide storage␣polysaccharide succinic␣dehydrogenase tetraglycosylceramide thiogalactopyranoside translating␣dictionary walking␣corpse␣syndrome whistling␣face␣syndrome yellow-edged␣pygarctias
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 25 words
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- German Wiktionary: 2 words
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