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There are 40 twenty-one-letter words containing A, C, K, N, O, P and TAct␣of␣Parliament␣clocks backhanded␣compliments back-handed␣compliments Big␣Bend␣patchnose␣snake black␣top-hat␣transforms black-winged␣pratincole brachiocephalic␣trunks breakfasts␣of␣champions candlestick␣telephones chosen-plaintext␣attack chronopharmacokinetic Cockenzie␣and␣Port␣Seton coming␣up␣with␣snake␣eyes creatine␣phosphokinase daggertooth␣pike␣conger dropping␣like␣a␣hot␣brick fall␣off␣the␣turnip␣truck Frankenstein␣complexes ichthyoplanktological ichthyoplanktologists insulin␣shock␣therapies leukoencephalopathies like␣cheese␣at␣fourpence market␣capitalizations membrane␣attack␣complex neuropharmacokinetics oak␣processionary␣moths oceanic␣whitetip␣sharks permissive-action␣links programmed␣function␣key putting␣lipstick␣on␣a␣pig rufous-capped␣antshrike second-preimage␣attacks second␣preimage␣attacks skeleton␣in␣the␣cupboard spatulasnout␣catsharks there's␣no␣place␣like␣home thick␣as␣two␣short␣planks tick-borne␣encephalitis Triebel-Lizorkin␣spaces
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 7 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 46 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 26 words
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