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There are 63 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, N, O, P and Tantelopes Antpeople apocenter apocentre appointee cantelope caponette conepates elaoptene enpromate Esperanto exoplanet exo-planet gantelope heptanone leptonema metaphone Metaphone neopteran nonrepeat notepaper one-tapped open␣betas open␣matte open␣table open␣water pace␣notes panettone pathogene pavestone peastones pentanone pentaoses pentasome pentatone pentatope pentazole pentonate pentosane peritonea personate Pesavento phenolate phocenate plate␣bone pleonaste pollenate ponderate potentate progenate protelean Ptolemean seponated seponates septanose shape-note shape␣note take␣one␣up toxaphene treponema trepopnea weepathon zone␣plate
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