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There are 70 nine-letter words containing A, L, 2O, P, S and Tallotopes apologist apostolic Apostolos autoloops campstool camp␣stool capitolos colpostat coroplast goalposts goal␣posts holotapes homoplast isophotal loon␣pants lophostea maltipoos monoplast nonpostal octaloops octapoles octopusal omoplates optionals otoplasty padstools palo␣santo pass␣stool platinoso- poleboats Politanos polkadots polka-dots polka␣dots polonates portaloos portolans Portsalon postal␣box postmolar postmoral postnodal postnotal posttotal protosalt provostal rape␣tools saltproof saltspoon solar␣spot sola␣topee spare␣tool splatbook splat␣book splayfoot spoliator sporolate Stacpoole Stavropol stoopball stoop␣ball tapacolos tonoplast toolpaths tool␣paths transpool troopials uprootals zooplasty
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