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There are 23 words containing A, B, H, K, P, U and YPort␣Hawkesbury pratyekabuddha Spanish␣buckeye —— pratyekabuddhas Spanish␣buckeyes —— Burkitt's␣lymphoma hydrophobia␣skunk —— Burkitt's␣lymphomas hydrophobia␣skunks Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Khyber␣Pakhtunkhwa —— Burkitt's␣lymphomata juniper␣bush␣katydid ketophenylbutazone Murphy-Lane␣bone␣skid —— beyond␣the␣black␣stump break␣a␣fly␣upon␣a␣wheel —— Potter-Bucky␣diaphragm —— break␣a␣fly␣upon␣the␣wheel lymphoblastic␣leukemia Potter-Bucky␣diaphragms public-key␣cryptography public␣key␣cryptography 23 definitions found- Port␣Hawkesbury — prop.n. A town in Nova Scotia, Canada.
- pratyekabuddha — n. (Buddhism) One who achieves enlightenment alone, without a teacher or guide.
- Spanish␣buckeye — n. A small tree (Ungnadia speciosa) of Texas, New Mexico, etc…
- pratyekabuddhas — n. Plural of pratyekabuddha.
- Spanish␣buckeyes — n. Plural of Spanish buckeye.
- Burkitt's␣lymphoma — n. (Pathology) A cancer of the lymphatic system, particularly…
- hydrophobia␣skunk — n. (Southwestern US, dated) The western spotted skunk, Spilogale…
- Burkitt's␣lymphomas — n. Plural of Burkitt’s lymphoma.
- hydrophobia␣skunks — n. Plural of hydrophobia skunk.
- Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa — prop.n. Alternative spelling of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
- Khyber␣Pakhtunkhwa — prop.n. A province in northwestern Pakistan, with Peshawar as its capital.
- Burkitt's␣lymphomata — n. Plural of Burkitt’s lymphoma.
- juniper␣bush␣katydid — n. Insara juniperi, a species of katydid insect.
- ketophenylbutazone — n. A particular nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
- Murphy-Lane␣bone␣skid — n. (Medicine) A steel instrument used for femoral head procedures.
- beyond␣the␣black␣stump — phr. (Australia, informal, idiomatic) In an extremely isolated…
- break␣a␣fly␣upon␣a␣wheel — v. Alternative form of break a butterfly upon the wheel.
- Potter-Bucky␣diaphragm — n. (Medicine) A grid of lead strips that can be repositioned to…
- break␣a␣fly␣upon␣the␣wheel — v. Alternative form of break a butterfly upon the wheel.
- lymphoblastic␣leukemia — n. (US, oncology, pathology) An acute form of leukemia characterized…
- Potter-Bucky␣diaphragms — n. Plural of Potter-Bucky diaphragm.
- public-key␣cryptography — n. A form of cryptography which allows users to communicate securely…
- public␣key␣cryptography — n. The subfield of cryptography in which all information used…
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 5 words
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