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There are 51 words containing A, C, 2P, 2S and Wswap␣space —— swap␣places swap␣spaces —— cow␣parsnips cum␣swappers —— cashew␣apples space␣weapons —— snowpocalypse —— carpetsweepers carpet␣sweepers Ipswich␣sparrow poop␣sandwiches sandwich␣papers snowpocalypses wrapper␣classes —— Ipswich␣sparrows places␣of␣worship upperclasswoman upperclasswomen —— chipping␣sparrows curlew␣sandpipers self-tapping␣screw space␣power␣system weapons␣inspector whisper␣campaigns —— Prince␣of␣Wales␣spur self-tapping␣screws space␣power␣systems weapons␣inspectors —— open␣a␣can␣of␣whoop␣ass Prince␣of␣Wales␣spurs prisoner-of-war␣camps since␣Hector␣was␣a␣pup since␣Skippy␣was␣a␣pup sympathetic␣powders —— Chinese␣swamp␣cypress ill␣news␣spreads␣apace opens␣a␣can␣of␣whoop␣ass whispering␣campaigns —— applications␣software opened␣a␣can␣of␣whoop␣ass open␣up␣a␣can␣of␣whoop␣ass pass␣up␣like␣a␣white␣chip Powassan␣encephalitis —— blew␣this␣popsicle␣stand blow␣this␣popsicle␣stand blow␣this␣Popsicle␣stand microwave␣spectroscopy opening␣a␣can␣of␣whoop␣ass primitive␣wrapper␣class two-spotted␣scoliid␣wasp
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 2 words
- French Wiktionary: 20 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 55 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 37 words
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