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There are 59 words containing A, H, K, 2M and 2Sakiami␣paste␣shrimp aminoshikimates backwards␣time␣machines beefsteak␣mushroom beefsteak␣mushrooms Burkitt's␣lymphomas Chomskyanism Christmas␣market Christmas␣markets dead-stroke␣hammers displaced␣homemakers dressmaker's␣ham dressmakers'␣hams dumb␣as␣a␣sack␣of␣hammers gummy␣sharks hammerhead␣sharks hammers␣and␣sickles hemiparkinsonism hemiparkinsonisms Hodgkin's␣lymphomas humpbacked␣salmons humpback␣salmons Kohnstamm's␣phenomenon makes␣mouths make␣someone's␣hair␣curl make␣someone's␣teeth␣itch makes␣oneself␣at␣home makes␣someone's␣hair␣curl make␣yourselves␣at␣home marksmanship marksmanships markswomanship Markush␣claims megamouth␣sharks Mickey␣Mouse␣hats milk␣moustaches mischiefmakers mischief-makers missed␣the␣mark misses␣the␣mark missing␣the␣mark miss␣the␣mark more␣sacks␣on␣the␣mill more␣sacks␣to␣the␣mill peacock␣mantis␣shrimp Samut␣Songkhram Schrammelmusik shome␣mishtake␣shurely shummakers shurely␣shome␣mishtake slammed␣on␣the␣brakes slamming␣on␣the␣brakes smoked␣Irishman smoke␣machines South␣Muskham Temiskaming␣Shores thinking␣man's␣crumpets took␣something␣as␣it␣came what␣was␣someone␣smoking
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 2 words
- French Wiktionary: 21 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 478 words
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 32 words
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