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There are 48 words containing A, N, 4P and Sappendices␣epiploicae apple␣dumpling␣shop apple␣dumpling␣shops easy␣peasy␣pumpkin␣peasy epiploic␣appendices happiness␣pump happy␣puppet␣syndrome happy␣slapping happy␣slappings keep␣up␣appearances lipodepsinonapeptide lipodepsinonapeptides lipopentapeptides newspaperpeople opal␣pineapples pearly␣penile␣papules pepper-spraying pepper␣spraying phosphomapping phosphopeptidomannan pimp-slapping pimp␣slapping Pineapple␣Express pink␣panty␣droppers pipe-and-slipper pipe-and-slippers polluter␣pays␣principle pre-apprenticeship pre-apprenticeships prepilin␣peptidase prepilin␣peptidases proapolipoproteins punched␣paper␣tapes purple␣sandpiper purple␣sandpipers since␣Skippy␣was␣a␣pup snapper-upper snipper-snapper snipper-snappers spinoprezygapophyseal teppo␣snapping␣shrimp whippersnapper whipper-snapper whipper␣snapper whippersnappers whipper-snappers whipper␣snappers wrapping␣papers
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 4 words
- French Wiktionary: 7 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 20 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 18 words
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