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There are 121 thirteen-letter words containing B, T, U and Wabounding␣with Baldwin␣County Benewah␣County biscuit␣weight blew␣up␣the␣tote Blighty␣wounds blow␣up␣the␣tote blue-and-whites blue␣threeawns blue-water␣navy borrow␣trouble bouffant␣gowns brother-out-law Broughton␣West Broward␣County brown␣tinamous Brunswick␣star Brunswick␣stew bucketing␣down buckwheat␣cake buckwheat␣coal buckwheatlike Bulwell␣Forest burped␣the␣worm butter␣flowers butterfly␣weed buttonwillows Catawba␣County clowning␣about cotton␣wool␣bud county␣brownie down␣but␣not␣out East␣Brunswick Galloway␣tubes giant␣tube␣worm giant␣water␣bug go␣down␣the␣tube Hoo␣St␣Werburgh Newton␣numbers Newtownbutler photoglow␣tube play␣number␣two powdering␣tubs rainbow␣quartz rainbow␣trouts sand␣tube␣worms schwebeablaut Schwebeablaut spiny␣tubeworm Sturton␣by␣Stow substance-wise subwatersheds subwavelength Swabian␣Turkey sweats␣bullets sweet␣bursaria sweet␣scabious swinging␣bunts swung␣both␣ways throwing␣about thumbs-downing thumb␣wrestles Titius-Bode␣law tumbler-washer Tumby␣Woodside turbulent␣flow ultrawideband umbrellaworts unbewitchings unblameworthy unchewability unknowability unputdownable un-put-downable unwarrantable unwarrantably unwhistleable unwinnability unwitnessable unworkability up␣to␣the␣elbows Wabasha␣County washtub␣basses water␣biscuits water␣buffalos water␣turbines Watteau␣bodice wattle-and-daub wattle␣and␣daub Webster␣County webumentaries well-brought-up well␣brought␣up western␣redbud Weston-sub-Edge West␣Sleekburn whataboutisms what␣is␣your␣job whipped␣butter whiskey␣butter whistling␣buoy white␣mulberry whortle␣bushes wickenburgite wild␣buckwheat winebottleful wine-bottleful wine␣bottleful winterbournes witches'␣butter witchetty␣grub witchety␣grubs witchity␣grubs without␣a␣doubt without␣number Woodburytypes Woulfe␣bottles Woulfe's␣bottle Wratten␣number wrongful␣birth yellow␣bunting
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 11 words
- French Wiktionary: 26 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 424 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 152 words
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