List of 12-letter words containing •••• Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a sixth letter
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There are 86 twelve-letter words containing 2B, E, T and Yabbey␣counter abbreviately abbreviatory able-bodyists abuseability alphabet␣boys antisnobbery baby␣boomlets baby's␣breaths baby-snatcher baby␣stroller ballybetaghs ballybethagh balneability Banbury␣tales Barber␣County bawdy␣baskets beauty␣bushes beef␣bayonets belly␣busters belly-busting bellybuttons belly-buttons belly␣buttons belly-timbers Betsy␣beetles bible␣society Billy␣Bunters blebbability blendability blessability blockbustery Blythe␣Bridge booby-hatches booby␣hatches booby␣hutches boobytrapped booby-trapped boy␣in␣the␣boat brandy␣bottle brandy␣butter breakability breedability buddy␣breathe butylbenzene butylparaben butyl␣rubbers buy␣the␣rabbit by-the-numbers by␣the␣numbers cobweb␣theory cryptobabble cyberbattles cyberliberty debatability debugability eaten␣the␣baby embryoblasts go␣by␣the␣board greater␣bilby gun-type␣bombs hobbletehoys hobby␣lantern keeps␣the␣baby lebenty␣leben liberty␣bonds nepotism␣baby Newtownabbey on␣lobby␣terms retrobulbary snottygobble split␣the␣baby stubby␣holder sub-Byzantine subcelebrity symbol␣tables tabby␣parties Tellytubbies test-tube␣baby test␣tube␣baby thimbleberry unbetrayable unbreathably unrebuttably unsubtypable Waltham␣Abbey
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 5 words
- French Wiktionary: 34 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 20 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 14 words
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