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There are 18 twenty-one-letter words containing B, H, L, P and Wa␣watched␣pot␣never␣boils blew␣this␣popsicle␣stand blow␣this␣popsicle␣stand blow␣this␣Popsicle␣stand blue-winged␣grasshopper break␣a␣fly␣upon␣the␣wheel butterflies␣upon␣a␣wheel butterflies␣upon␣wheels eastern␣Orphean␣warbler global␣workspace␣theory Houston,␣we␣have␣a␣problem I␣have␣low␣blood␣pressure like␣a␣bowl␣in␣a␣china␣shop pale-footed␣bush␣warbler western␣Orphean␣warbler white-crested␣spadebill Witherspoon-excludable word-spelling␣alphabets 19 definitions found- a␣watched␣pot␣never␣boils — prov. A process appears to go more slowly if one waits for it…
- blew␣this␣popsicle␣stand — v. Simple past tense of blow this popsicle stand.
- blow␣this␣popsicle␣stand — v. (US, idiomatic, humorous) To leave an establishment speedily.
- blow␣this␣Popsicle␣stand — v. (Idiomatic, informal) To leave a place, often with anger or…
- blue-winged␣grasshopper — n. Oedipoda caerulescens, a grasshopper species that lives in…
- break␣a␣fly␣upon␣the␣wheel — v. Alternative form of break a butterfly upon the wheel.
- butterflies␣upon␣a␣wheel — n. Plural of butterfly upon a wheel.
- butterflies␣upon␣wheels — n. Plural of butterfly upon a wheel.
- eastern␣Orphean␣warbler — n. Sylvia crassirostris, an Old World warbler. Now sometimes Curruca…
- global␣workspace␣theory — n. A simple cognitive architecture developed to account qualitatively…
- Houston,␣we␣have␣a␣problem — phr. (US, humorous) Used to report that a (major) problem has occurred.
- I␣have␣low␣blood␣pressure — phr. Indicates that the speaker has hypotension (low blood pressure).
- like␣a␣bowl␣in␣a␣china␣shop — adj. Misunderstanding or mishearing of like a bull in a china shop. — adj. (Simile) mundane.
- pale-footed␣bush␣warbler — n. Urosphena pallidipes, an Oriental warbler in the family Cettiidae…
- western␣Orphean␣warbler — n. Sylvia hortensis, an Old World warbler. Now sometimes Curruca hortensis.
- white-crested␣spadebill — n. A bird native to South America, Platyrinchus platyrhynchos.
- Witherspoon-excludable — n. (US, law) A person who is utterly opposed to capital punishment…
- word-spelling␣alphabets — n. Plural of word-spelling alphabet.
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