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There are 24 thirteen-letter words containing B, G, 2I, N, O and Wabounding␣with bioweathering browserifying cosmic␣bowling disemboweling mindblowingly mind-blowingly powerbuilding rainbow␣bridge review␣bombing semiburrowing singing␣cowboy swinging␣booms tenpin␣bowling ten-pin␣bowling wagonbuilding waning␣gibbous weighing␣boats whistling␣buoy whiteboarding worldbuilding world-building world␣building writing␣boards 29 definitions found- abounding␣with — v. Present participle of abound with.
- bioweathering — n. Weathering of organic compounds from fossil biological material.
- browserifying — v. Present participle of browserify.
- cosmic␣bowling — n. An event at a bowling alley where the bowling takes place under…
- disemboweling — v. Present participle of disembowel. — n. The act by which somebody is disemboweled.
- mindblowingly — adv. In a mindblowing manner.
- mind-blowingly — adv. In a mind-blowing manner.
- powerbuilding — n. A combination of bodybuilding and powerlifting.
- rainbow␣bridge — n. (Germanic paganism) The road between the realm of the gods… — n. (Euphemistic) A metaphorical bridge crossed at death, usually…
- review␣bombing — v. Present participle of review bomb.
- semiburrowing — adj. (Zoology) That sometimes burrows.
- singing␣cowboy — n. (Music) A subgenre of country music and western music honoring… — n. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see singing, cowboy.
- swinging␣booms — n. Plural of swinging boom.
- tenpin␣bowling — n. A sport where players roll a ball down a wooden pathway and…
- ten-pin␣bowling — n. Alternative spelling of tenpin bowling.
- wagonbuilding — n. The construction of wagons.
- waning␣gibbous — adj. (Astronomy) More than half full in phase, but growing smaller.
- weighing␣boats — n. Plural of weighing boat.
- whistling␣buoy — n. A buoy fitted with a whistle that is blown by the action of the waves.
- whiteboarding — n. (Internet) A collaborative discussion over the Internet in…
- worldbuilding — n. The conception and description of a fictional world that is… — n. (Obsolete) Scientific research into the creation of the Earth… — n. (Obsolete) The world of imagination of novelists, poets, etc.
- world-building — n. Alternative form of worldbuilding.
- world␣building — n. Alternative form of worldbuilding.
- writing␣boards — n. Plural of writing board.
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 3 words
- French Wiktionary: 5 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 1 word
- German Wiktionary: 10 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 7 words
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