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There are 16 eighteen-letter words containing B, D, 2H, N and 2Rboardinghouse␣reach bring␣down␣the␣hammer chlorohydrocarbons diboron␣hexahydride don't␣hold␣your␣breath green␣behind␣the␣ears honored␣in␣the␣breach Humboldt␣River␣Ranch microneighborhoods microneighbourhood rhabdodontomorphan rhombidodecahedron robin-run-in-the-hedge throw␣the␣bull␣around thyrohyoid␣membrane white-throated␣robin 17 definitions found- boardinghouse␣reach — n. The ability to reach a long distance across a table to get desired food. — n. The act of reaching across a table to get desired food, often…
- bring␣down␣the␣hammer — v. (Idiomatic) To treat very harshly.
- chlorohydrocarbons — n. Plural of chlorohydrocarbon.
- diboron␣hexahydride — n. (Chemistry) diborane.
- don't␣hold␣your␣breath — phr. (Idiomatic, imperative) Don’t wait. Said cynically to suggest…
- green␣behind␣the␣ears — adj. Alternative form of wet behind the ears.
- honored␣in␣the␣breach — v. Simple past tense and past participle of honor in the breach.
- Humboldt␣River␣Ranch — prop.n. A census-designated place in Pershing County, Nevada, United States.
- microneighborhoods — n. Plural of microneighborhood.
- microneighbourhood — n. UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and South Africa…
- rhabdodontomorphan — n. Any dinosaur of the clade †Rhabdodontomorpha.
- rhombidodecahedron — n. (Geometry) A nonconvex uniform polyhedron with square faces…
- robin-run-in-the-hedge — n. Ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea).
- throw␣the␣bull␣around — v. (US, idiomatic, colloquial) Synonym of shoot the breeze.
- thyrohyoid␣membrane — n. (Anatomy) A broad fibroelastic sheet that connects the upper…
- white-throated␣robin — n. Irania gutturalis, a flycatcher breeding in western Asia and…
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