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There are 46 eighteen-letter words containing B, K, N, 2O, R and SAmerican␣brook␣chars ask␣me␣one␣about␣sport backfile␣conversion backs␣the␣wrong␣horse backtransformation baked␣someone's␣bread bakes␣someone's␣bread be␣the␣worse␣for␣drink black␣bag␣operations black-throated␣loons box␣and␣whisker␣plots box␣and␣whiskers␣plot break␣someone's␣balls break␣someone's␣heart breaks␣someone's␣back broken␣someone's␣back broke␣someone's␣balls broke␣someone's␣heart brought␣to␣one's␣knees brown␣woolly␣monkeys button␣wrinkleworts carbokentbrooksite cock-and-bull␣stories ferrokentbrooksite good␣old␣boy␣networks gooseneck␣barnacles kissing␣goes␣by␣favor know␣from␣a␣bar␣of␣soap Königsberger␣Klopse Landolt␣broken␣rings lock,␣stock␣and␣barrel longbowstringmaker look␣before␣one␣leaps low-background␣steel my␣car␣has␣broken␣down nails␣on␣a␣chalkboard photocrosslinkable pick␣someone's␣brains round-bottomed␣flask saskatoon␣blueberry skull-and-crossbones skull␣and␣crossbones spangled␣kookaburra turn-ups␣for␣the␣books turn␣ups␣for␣the␣books working␣one's␣buns␣off
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 15 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 44 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 88 words
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