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There are 47 twenty-letter words containing B, 3E, H, P and Tapparent␣brightnesses bacteriohopanepentol bacteriohopanetetrol bacteriopheophorbide barked␣up␣the␣wrong␣tree benzathine␣penicillin benzophenanthridines benzylphenethylamine betaglycerophosphate biospectrophotometer blue-throated␣sapphire bovine␣petechial␣fever corynebacteriophages dibenzocycloheptenes double␣empathy␣problem drive␣the␣porcelain␣bus drove␣the␣porcelain␣bus enterobacteriophages Entscheidungsproblem European␣thimbleweeds heteropolymolybdates heterosubspecificity heterotransplantable hunger␣is␣the␣best␣spice hyperbolic␣geometries inspected␣the␣plumbing keeping␣the␣pot␣boiling keep␣one's␣eye␣on␣the␣ball kept␣one's␣eye␣on␣the␣ball last␣of␣the␣big␣spenders mercaptobenzaldehyde mercaptobenzthiazole nonhypotenuse␣numbers non-hypotenuse␣numbers notches␣on␣one's␣bedpost pass␣the␣bottle␣of␣smoke piperidylthiambutene power␣behind␣the␣throne Presburger␣arithmetic pseudoheritabilities punch␣above␣one's␣weight punch␣below␣one's␣weight reverse␣boustrophedon snake-in-the-box␣problem teardrop␣tubeshoulder thienobenzodiazepine whitebark␣raspberries
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 70 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 2 words
- German Wiktionary: 54 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: 1 word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 42 words
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