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There are 25 words containing B, 3C, D, I and Kcircled␣back —— backyard␣cricket bricks␣and␣clicks clicks␣and␣bricks —— wind␣back␣the␣clock —— accident␣blackspot American␣black␣duck chicken␣cordon␣bleu chicks␣before␣dicks —— accident␣blackspots American␣black␣ducks chamber␣candlestick ketocarboxylic␣acid —— chamber␣candlesticks channel-billed␣cuckoo ketocarboxylic␣acids sticky-backed␣plastic —— black-capped␣chickadee checking␣and␣balancing Croatian␣checkerboard destructive␣backspace —— black-billed␣flycatcher black-tailed␣flycatcher democratic␣backsliding destructive␣backspaces 25 definitions found- circled␣back — v. Simple past tense and past participle of circle back.
- backyard␣cricket — n. (UK) Informal cricket played in the back yard of a private…
- bricks␣and␣clicks — n. Clicks and mortar.
- clicks␣and␣bricks — adj. (Of a shop or business) Combining a traditional retail outlet…
- wind␣back␣the␣clock — v. (Idiomatic, figurative) To return in time to an earlier period of history.
- accident␣blackspot — n. (UK) A region of a highway where there has been several accidents…
- American␣black␣duck — n. Anas rubripes, a large dabbling duck in the family Anatidae.
- chicken␣cordon␣bleu — n. Thin slices of chicken pressed together and breaded, with a…
- chicks␣before␣dicks — prov. (Vulgar, slang) A woman should prioritize her female friends…
- accident␣blackspots — n. Plural of accident blackspot.
- American␣black␣ducks — n. Plural of American black duck.
- chamber␣candlestick — n. A small, portable candlestick suitable for carrying to the bedroom.
- ketocarboxylic␣acid — n. (Organic chemistry) Any carboxylic acid having a ketonic carbonyl…
- chamber␣candlesticks — n. Plural of chamber candlestick.
- channel-billed␣cuckoo — n. A large, grey cuckoo, Scythrops novaehollandiae, of Indonesia…
- ketocarboxylic␣acids — n. Plural of ketocarboxylic acid.
- sticky-backed␣plastic — n. (Britain) large sheet of thin, soft, coloured plastic that…
- black-capped␣chickadee — n. Poecile atricapillus, a small bird of the tit family Paridae.
- checking␣and␣balancing — v. Present participle of check and balance.
- Croatian␣checkerboard — n. (Rare) Red and white chequy used in Croatian coat of arms and flag.
- destructive␣backspace — n. (Computing) A backspace that erases the character at the previous…
- black-billed␣flycatcher — n. A bird native to the Americas, Aphanotriccus audax.
- black-tailed␣flycatcher — n. A South-American flycatcher, Myiobius atricaudus.
- democratic␣backsliding — n. Gradual decline in the quality and robustness of democracy.
- destructive␣backspaces — n. Plural of destructive backspace.
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