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There are 24 words containing B, C, F, K, O, R and YFockerby —— back␣forty boyfucker —— boyfuckers —— Blackfordby —— jockey␣briefs —— factory-backed —— Blackford␣County piffy␣on␣a␣rock␣bun Republic␣of␣Kenya —— Bay␣of␣Mecklenburg peacock␣butterfly Republic␣of␣Turkey —— crypt␣of␣Lieberkühn Republic␣of␣Türkiye —— Back␣to␣the␣Future␣Day Book␣of␣Common␣Prayer crypts␣of␣Lieberkühn failed␣back␣syndrome —— Wabanaki␣Confederacy —— before␣you␣can␣say␣knife California␣blackberry —— monkeyface␣prickleback take␣time␣by␣the␣forelock 27 definitions found- Fockerby — prop.n. A village in Garthorpe and Fockerby parish, North Lincolnshire…
- back␣forty — n. (US) The remote part of a farm. — n. (US, idiomatic) The most remote or inaccessible part of any place.
- boyfucker — n. (Slang, derogatory, offensive, vulgar) Term of abuse, usually… — n. (Slang, derogatory, offensive, vulgar) A homosexual male.
- boyfuckers — n. Plural of boyfucker.
- Blackfordby — prop.n. A village in Ashby-de-la-Zouch parish, North West Leicestershire…
- jockey␣briefs — n. (US, dated, informal) Men’s or boys’ briefs.
- factory-backed — adj. (Motor racing, of a team) Wholly or substantially supported…
- Blackford␣County — prop.n. A county of Indiana, United States. County seat: Hartford…
- piffy␣on␣a␣rock␣bun — n. (Slang, Britain, idiomatic) A person ignored or sidelined from an activity.
- Republic␣of␣Kenya — prop.n. The official name of Kenya.
- Bay␣of␣Mecklenburg — prop.n. A bay in the Baltic Sea between Germany and the Danish…
- peacock␣butterfly — n. Aglais io, a red butterfly with distinctive large eyespots…
- Republic␣of␣Turkey — prop.n. Former official name of the country of Turkey (now Republic…
- crypt␣of␣Lieberkühn — n. (Anatomy) An intestinal gland.
- Republic␣of␣Türkiye — prop.n. Official name of the country of Turkey.
- Back␣to␣the␣Future␣Day — prop.n. The date October 21, 2015, regarded as commemorative of…
- Book␣of␣Common␣Prayer — prop.n. The liturgy of the Church of England, first compiled by…
- crypts␣of␣Lieberkühn — n. Plural of crypt of Lieberkühn.
- failed␣back␣syndrome — n. A condition characterized by chronic pain after back surgery.
- Wabanaki␣Confederacy — prop.n. (Anthropology, ethnology) A North American First Nations…
- before␣you␣can␣say␣knife — phr. Very quickly; quicker than one expects.
- California␣blackberry — n. Douglas berry.
- monkeyface␣prickleback — n. A species of prickleback native to the Pacific coast of North…
- take␣time␣by␣the␣forelock — v. To seize an opportunity. — prov. (Imperative) Seize an opportunity when it is only available…
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