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There are 59 words containing B, F, 3O, T and Wfootbow —— footbows —— blow␣football —— bit␣of␣homework off␣one's␣own␣bat woobification —— bits␣of␣homework from␣womb␣to␣tomb web-footed␣gecko —— before␣it␣was␣cool blow␣the␣doors␣off globe␣of␣the␣world outflow␣boundary sweat␣of␣one's␣brow web-footed␣geckos —— before␣one␣knows␣it best␣of␣both␣worlds for␣better␣or␣worse globes␣of␣the␣world go␣from␣bad␣to␣worse law␣of␣obligations nowhere␣to␣be␣found whole␣box␣of␣tricks worthiest␣of␣blood —— blow␣out␣of␣the␣water crown␣of␣aberration in␣a␣world␣of␣trouble outflow␣boundaries worst␣of␣both␣worlds writ␣of␣prohibition —— blown␣out␣of␣the␣water blows␣out␣of␣the␣water First␣Law␣of␣Robotics Third␣Law␣of␣Robotics writs␣of␣prohibition —— blow␣out␣of␣proportion brownsnout␣spookfish for␣better␣or␣for␣worse law␣of␣double␣negation Second␣Law␣of␣Robotics Three␣Laws␣of␣Robotics work␣someone's␣butt␣off —— beyond␣a␣shadow␣of␣doubt blowing␣out␣of␣the␣water blow␣out␣of␣proportions continuous␣bag␣of␣words fall␣between␣two␣stools fell␣between␣two␣stools from␣the␣womb␣to␣the␣tomb know␣B␣from␣a␣battledore throw␣someone␣out␣of␣bed wait␣for␣the␣ball␣to␣drop —— beyond␣a␣shadow␣of␣a␣doubt collaborative␣software falls␣between␣two␣stools go␣the␣way␣of␣the␣dodo␣bird know␣a␣B␣from␣a␣battledore orange-footed␣scrubfowl swore␣on␣a␣stack␣of␣Bibles
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 4 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: no word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 8 words
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