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There are 23 words containing B, H, N, S, 2U and Wbush␣sunflower —— bush␣sunflowers South␣Brunswick Washburn␣County —— bush␣stone-curlew but␣who's␣counting —— bush␣stone-curlews Norwegian␣Buhunds sounds␣about␣white throw␣under␣the␣bus you␣must␣be␣new␣here —— clubhouse␣sandwich rub␣salt␣in␣the␣wound —— rubs␣salt␣in␣the␣wound —— clubhouse␣sandwiches turds␣in␣the␣punchbowl —— rubbed␣salt␣in␣the␣wound what's␣your␣phone␣number —— butterflies␣upon␣a␣wheel butterflies␣upon␣wheels rubbing␣salt␣in␣the␣wound what␣do␣you␣want,␣a␣biscuit what␣is␣your␣phone␣number 25 definitions found- bush␣sunflower — n. (US) A shrubby perennial with yellow flowers, Simsia calva… — n. (California) A drought-tolerant shrubby perennial with yellow…
- bush␣sunflowers — n. Plural of bush sunflower.
- South␣Brunswick — prop.n. A township in Middlesex, New Jersey, United States, south…
- Washburn␣County — prop.n. One of 72 counties in Wisconsin, United States. County seat: Shell Lake.
- bush␣stone-curlew — n. A species of stone-curlew, Burhinus grallarius, of Australia…
- but␣who's␣counting — phr. (Colloquial, rhetorical question, sarcastic, humorous) Used…
- bush␣stone-curlews — n. Plural of bush stone-curlew.
- Norwegian␣Buhunds — n. Plural of Norwegian Buhund.
- sounds␣about␣white — phr. (Colloquial, often humorous) Expressing that something (which…
- throw␣under␣the␣bus — v. (Idiomatic, transitive, of a person or group) To betray or… — v. (Idiomatic, transitive, of a thing, idea, etc.) To discard or disown.
- you␣must␣be␣new␣here — phr. Used to express (often sarcastically) that someone has in…
- clubhouse␣sandwich — n. Club sandwich.
- rub␣salt␣in␣the␣wound — v. (Idiomatic) To make an injury, physical or emotional, feel worse.
- rubs␣salt␣in␣the␣wound — v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rub…
- clubhouse␣sandwiches — n. Plural of clubhouse sandwich.
- turds␣in␣the␣punchbowl — n. Plural of turd in the punchbowl.
- rubbed␣salt␣in␣the␣wound — v. Simple past tense and past participle of rub salt in the wound.
- what's␣your␣phone␣number — phr. Asks the interlocutor to give their phone number for subsequent…
- butterflies␣upon␣a␣wheel — n. Plural of butterfly upon a wheel.
- butterflies␣upon␣wheels — n. Plural of butterfly upon a wheel.
- rubbing␣salt␣in␣the␣wound — v. Present participle of rub salt in the wound.
- what␣do␣you␣want,␣a␣biscuit — phr. (Britain, rare) Alternative form of what do you want, a cookie?
- what␣is␣your␣phone␣number — phr. Alternative form of what’s your phone number?
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