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There are 129 thirteen-letter words containing C, H, M, U and Yacuphenometry Amherst␣County Auchtermuchty Beckham␣County Bingham␣County brachypodiums Brahminy␣ducks Cauchy␣problem caulohymenium centauromachy chaiyaphumine charity␣mugger Chatham␣County chemoimmunity Chemung␣County chemurgically chromenyliums chrysanthemum chryselectrum chrysosporium chunky␣monkeys Coahoma␣County counterrhythm counting␣rhyme crush␣syndrome cuminaldehyde currymunchers curry-munchers curry␣munchers demihypercube dichlamydeous dichotomously Hamblen␣County Hampden␣County Hampton␣County heirs␣by␣custom Hickman␣County Holy␣Communion holy␣guacamole Huayco␣tinamou hydraulic␣lime hydraulic␣rams hydrocalumite hydrochinonum hydromulching hypercolumnar hypercomputer hypercupremia hypercupremic hyperdocument hyperglucemia hypermuscular hyperuricemia hyperuricemic hyphomycetous hypochondrium hypocupraemia hypouricaemia hypouricaemic hypouricemias hyracotherium ichthyotomous isthmusectomy Jim␣Hogg␣County Klamath␣County lachrymal␣urns lachrymojugal leucocythemia leucocythemic Lychrel␣number macrophyllous Mahaska␣County Malheur␣County Mathews␣County McCarthyesque McConnaugheys McHenry␣County Meagher␣County mercury␣switch methylglucose methylmercury methyl␣mercury microphyllous mischievously money␣purchase monostachyous mother␣country motherfuckery multiphyletic musicotherapy mutasynthetic mycetophagous mymecophilous mythicoritual nymphaeaceous oath␣of␣calumny phenylmercury phycomycetous phyllocladium phytocompound phytomolecule polychotomous psychomanteum psychotraumas rheumatically rhythmic␣units schizothymous scyphomedusan Sherman␣County shockumentary sisyrinchiums sixty␣cycle␣hum suck␣my␣Richard suck␣the␣monkey Surinam␣cherry thermocautery thymonucleate trachymedusae tulathromycin unchristmassy un-Christmassy undithyrambic unimpeachably unsympathetic Whatcom␣County Whitman␣County Windham␣County Yamhill␣County Yarmouth␣capon
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 18 words
- French Wiktionary: 52 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 6 words
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- German Wiktionary: 22 words
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 5 words
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