List of 15-letter words containing •••• Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a sixth letter
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There are 58 fifteen-letter words containing C, 2H, K and Rarchbishopricks Archie␣Bunkerish artichoke␣hearts Ax-Kochen␣theorem black-arched␣moth black-hat␣hackers black␣phosphorus Bochdalek␣hernia brick␣shithouses Buckinghamshire Chad␣Thundercock Chernyshevskian cherry␣on␣the␣cake chinese␣checkers Chinese␣checkers Chinese␣Checkers chink␣in␣the␣armor Cocha␣antshrikes cranks␣the␣handle dethatching␣rake de-thatching␣rake hack-and-slashers Hamburg␣chickens Hamburgh␣chicken handkerchiefful harpsichordlike Haymarket␣Hector horse␣and␣hattock hot␣bread␣kitchen hurry␣up␣the␣cakes hyperthickening hypochondriacks Kachchh␣District King␣Charles'␣head Kitchener␣stitch Knight␣Batchelor Knights␣Bachelor kwitcherbitchin marry␣the␣ketchup on␣the␣right␣track pharaoh's␣chicken Pharaoh's␣chicken pushcharovskite radjah␣shelducks schrecklichkeit secret␣handshake shagbark␣hickory shear-thickening shepherd's␣clocks Sherlock␣Holmesy shilling␣shocker short␣sharp␣shock shot␣in␣the␣locker shoulder␣checked stricken␣through thickskin␣sharks trucker's␣hitches woodchat␣shrikes
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 12 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 483 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 37 words
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