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There are 149 eleven-letter words containing C, 3E, 2N and Rbescreening brunescence canyoneered centenaried centenaries centerlines cent␣percent centredness centrelines cinerescent coelenteron coinherence concentered conferenced conferencee conferences Conferences conferrence congenerate convergence crate␣engine decennaries decentering descreening e-governance encountered encounterer enforcement enheritance enricheners enterogenic entreatance entrenchers entrencheth generic␣name genericness green␣cancer greenscreen green␣screen hericenones inadherence incense␣tree incoherence incremented incrementer infrequence ingredience inherencies inheritence intercedent intercenter internecine internecive Longenecker near-endemic necriscence necroenzyme neocembrene neoconcrete nerve␣center nerve␣centre neurenteric neutercanes Nicene␣Creed nigrescence Niles␣Center noncentered noncredence nondecrease nonerectile nonexercise nonpresence nonrecessed nonrejected nonscreened nonsecreted penetrances penitencers penteconter permanences pertinences precatenane preeminence preëminence pre-eminence presentence pretendence prevenances prevenience prosentence pro-sentence provenience rancescence recementing re-cementing recentering rechanneled recondemned recondensed recondenses reconnected reconsented redenounced redenounces reenactment reënactment re-enactment reenchanted re-enchanted reencounter re-encounter reentrances reëntrances referencing refringence reinfluence remanencies renascences renitencies renovelance repentances repentaunce rescreening resentenced re-sentenced resentences re-sentences respondence retronecine revefenacin revengeance reverencing rhocymenene ruthenocene screennames screen␣names screenphone screentones secernments sincereness snickersnee sunscreened trenchermen trencher-men under␣center unenergetic unprecedent unreverence venceremins
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