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There are 70 ten-letter words containing 2D, G, H and Obadgerhood Baghdad␣Bob bath␣dodger Buddhology codgerhood codger-hood Danish␣dogs did␣it␣tough dihydrogen dog␣handler doghearted dog-hearted dog-shotted dog␣shotted dogwhipped Donaghadee dough-baked doughbirds doughfaced dough-faced dough␣goddy draghounds drag-hounds drag␣hounds dragonhead dragonhide dragonhood fried␣dough gardenhood goddesship goldhoards gold-hoards goldthread Goodchilds goodlihead goodlihood goods␣sheds goshdanged goshdarned Haddington hangdogged hardcoding hard-coding hard␣coding hardground headground headlonged hedgerowed herding␣dog hoddengray hoddengrey Hodge␣duals hodgepodge hodge-podge Holdridges how␣did␣it␣go humdudgeon longheaded long-headed Moghaddams ogdohedral phengodids riding-hood riding␣hood roughdried sandhogged Threadgold throddling thundergod thunder␣god
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