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There are 11 thirteen-letter words containing D, E, F, V and Wboard␣of␣review Crawfordville Deppford␣wives do␣you␣have␣Wi-Fi five-and-twenty four-lined␣wave Haverfordwest low-grade␣fever redwater␣fever Stepford␣wives wave␣of␣the␣hand 12 definitions found- board␣of␣review — n. (Scouting, US) The final approval process for rank advancement…
- Crawfordville — prop.n. An unincorporated community, the county seat of Wakulla… — prop.n. A small city, the county seat of Taliaferro County, Georgia…
- Deppford␣wives — n. Plural of Deppford wife.
- do␣you␣have␣Wi-Fi — phr. Asks if there is any available Wi-Fi connection.
- five-and-twenty — num. (Archaic) Twenty-five.
- four-lined␣wave — n. Scopula quadrilineata, a species of Canadian-American moth.
- Haverfordwest — prop.n. A town and community in and the county town of Pembrokeshire…
- low-grade␣fever — n. (Medicine) A slight fever, typically defined as never exceeding…
- redwater␣fever — n. (Medicine, obsolete) A kind of fever borne by ticks, especially in cattle.
- Stepford␣wives — n. Plural of Stepford wife.
- wave␣of␣the␣hand — n. (Idiomatic) A simple gesture, as used for command, dismissal…
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