List of 14-letter words containing •••• Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a sixth letter
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There are 76 fourteen-letter words containing D, H, N, T and Xaldohexuronate augmented␣sixth charybdotoxins chest␣expanders codonhexasters cretoxyrhinids deoxythymidine dexamethasones dexamethazones dexamphetamine diadinoxanthin dimethoxyarene dioxythiophene diphtherotoxin erythrodextrin exchange␣editor exhereditation exhibitionized external␣sandhi furmethoxadone heptaxodontids hexaantimonide hexacoordinate hexactinellids hexadecanoates hexadecatriene hexadecavalent hexadecenoates hexadimethrine hexanucleotide hexaoctahedron hexecontahedra hexoctahedrons hexonucleotide hextetrahedron hydroextrusion hydronitroxide hydroxyacetone hydroxyectoine hydroxyketones hydroxylactone hydroxylations hydroxynitrile hydroxyprotein hydroxytoluene hydroxytoulene hydroxyvitamin hyperextending hyperoxidation methoxydecanes methylenedioxy nonethoxylated North␣Middlesex ox␣is␣in␣the␣ditch pentahydroxide photooxidation photooxidizing pseudoxanthoma Robin␣Hood␣taxes sixteen␣hundred striped␣panchax sulphoxidation thrinaxodontid unextinguished unhydroxylated unorthodoxness vortex␣shedding whistling␣Dixie withholding␣tax xanthinoxidase xanthogenamide xanthomonadins xanthosiderite xenotrichulids xenotyphlopids xiphocentronid
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 10 words
- French Wiktionary: 30 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 20 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 2 words
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