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There are 120 ten-letter words containing D, G, L, O, R and UAldborough audiogyral blood␣group blood␣sugar bludgeoner bludgeonry bouldering bulldogger bulldog␣rat cagoulards clangoured cloudogram color␣guard courtledge curtail␣dog deflouring dialoguers dillegrout dilligrout divulgator dodgerblue Dodger␣blue dolorifuge double␣grab Douglas-fir Douglas␣fir Drumgooles drummology drunkalogs fluorogold fouldering fourlegged four-legged fulgoroids furloughed gadobutrol gastruloid gladiatour glanderous glueboards glue␣record goblet␣drum golden␣hour golden␣rule goldmohurs gold␣rusher goldrushes gold-rushes gold␣rushes groundable groundball ground␣ball groundedly groundless groundline groundling ground␣loop groundplan ground-plan ground␣plan ground␣rule groundsell groundsels groundsill groundwall groupoidal grundylows Guagliardo Guardiolas guard␣locks Guilderson Gullifords gyrofluids Kalundborg Logudorese lorglumide lose␣ground lost␣ground Loughridge loundering luck␣dragon Ludborough Ludgrovian ludography luxury␣good modulogram mollyguard molly-guard mouldering mudloggers mud␣slogger murder␣logs nongradual Oldenburgs outragedly playground plugboards proglumide prolongued proudlings pulmograde purple␣gold quadrilogy redoubling remoulding reploughed rigidulous round␣angle runholding sludgecore smouldring struck␣gold supergodly Thurgoland towel␣gourd undergloom underglows undergrowl unprodigal urogonadal
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