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There are 152 thirteen-letter words containing D, R, S, 2T and Yadversativity antidiversity antidyscratic antidysentery arctostylopid artiodactyles arytenoiditis atractyloside auditory␣tubes bathymasterid birthday-suits birthday␣suits Brandt's␣myotis brandy␣bottles credit␣history cryodetectors cybersquatted cyberstudents cynatratoside cytodendrites demonstratory denitrosylate density␣matrix dermatophytes dermatoplasty descriptivity destimulatory destructively destructivity detyrosinated dictyopterans dirty␣kitchens dirty␣martinis dirty␣protests dirty␣thirties Dirty␣Thirties distortionary distractingly distributedly distrustfully distrustingly duty␣of␣support duty␣solicitor dysmaturation dystrochrepts empty␣products fructosylated gastrocotylid hangs␣out␣to␣dry heptahydrates hydrobiotites hydropathists hydropatterns hydrostatical hydrostaticks hydrotimeters hydrotreaters hyperseptated identity␣cards industry␣plant interindustry intraindustry light␣industry maturity␣dates multiindustry myristoylated North␣Tyneside pachytroctids party-spirited party␣verdicts pentahydrates phytodetritus phytoproducts phytosteroids platyceratids platygasterid platygastrids platygastroid platysternids platytroctids polysaturated posterostylid posthydration postmodernity postmorbidity prostatodynia protodynastic proto-industry pteridophytes pterygotioids ptychopterids pyodermatitis quercypsittid radiocystitis red-letter␣days red␣letter␣days retyrosinated rhythm␣methods rhytidoplasty rhytidosteids Rydberg␣states serotonylated seventy-thirds softheartedly soft-heartedly sternoptychid sternothyroid St.␣Patrick's␣Day straitlacedly strapadictomy stratiomyiids stringly-typed stringly␣typed strongly-typed Sunday␣letters symmetrodonts tachyhydrites tank␣destroyer tanystropheid teledentistry tetradynamous tetrahydrates tetrahydrides theodiversity thirty-seconds thunderstormy thyroiditides thyroiditises thyroid␣storms topodiversity topsy-turveyed topsyturvydom topsy-turvydom trachydacites trachypterids transacylated transidentity transmodality transportedly transtadially treads␣lightly Trinity␣Sunday tripterygiids trisialylated trust␣fund␣baby tyndallmeters tyrosinylated understatedly unsaturatedly unstereotyped urocystitides yield␣strength
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 29 words
- French Wiktionary: 81 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 8 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 9 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 12 words
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