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There are 71 seventeen-letter words containing D, 2E, H, R and Xaldohexopyranoses Alexander␣the␣Great Alexandria␣Eschate Banzhaf␣power␣index carboxymethylated chlordiazepoxides chloroperoxidases deoxytaurocholate dextroamphetamine dextrosulphenidol dicarboxaldehydes dicyclohexylureas dihexosylceramide dihydroxyacetones dihydroxybenzenes dihydroxybenzoate dimethoxystyrenes ethylcarboxamides exception␣handlers exhausted␣receiver exoglycohydrolase exopolysaccharide extended␣metaphors extracted␣the␣urine ferrohexahydrites Friedreich's␣ataxia hexachloroiridate hexahydrolycopene hexakaidecahedral hexakaidecahedron hexakisoctahedron high-test␣peroxides hydrodeoxygenated hydrodeoxygenates hydrogen␣hydroxide hydroxyacetamides hydroxyamfetamine hydroxyderivative hydroxykynurenine hydroxylherderite hydroxymetabolite hydroxymethylases hydroxymethylated hydroxymethylomes hydroxyperoxidase hydroxypiperidine hydroxyterminated hydroxytetracaine ketohydroxyestrin monohydroperoxide monohydroxyethane nickelhexahydrite octakishexahedron peroxidisulphates peroxodiphosphate peroxytrichloride physician␣extender prophenoloxidases pseudoxyrhophiine rhombihexahedrons taurodeoxycholate tetrahydroxylated tetrakishexahedra tetrakis␣hexahedra text␣door␣neighbour trihydroxybenzene underhydroxylated ursodeoxycholates white␣arsenic␣oxide xeroradiographies xerothermic␣period
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 65 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 2 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 26 words
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 5 words
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