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There are 84 thirteen-letter words containing 2D, E, 2I and 2Taddictivities administrated antiaddictive antidissident antrodiaetids attitudinised attitudinized blindstitched buddingtonite codistributed conditionated cytodendritic dediazotation deductability deductibility deductivistic deinactivated delegitimated deltidiodonts dentatherinid denticipitids dentist's␣drill departitioned destigmatised destigmatized detoxificated dice␣with␣death dictyoceratid dictyostelids difficultated dimwittedness dim-wittedness direct␣deposit direct-to-video disembittered dishabituated disimbittered disintegrated disinterested disintricated diskette␣drive disorientated disquantitied distinctified distributedly disubstituted edit␣distances ichthyodectid identity␣cards Idiot's␣Delight indoctrinated interadditive intermediated kentriodontid lepidoteuthid leptodactilid mastoiditides medlicottiids mild␣and␣bitter mithridatised mithridatized multidendrite multiradiated Père␣David's␣tit protoadditive redistributed retroaddition rhytidosteids subdistricted tenthredinids termitaphidid the␣rabbit␣died thyroiditides ticked␣and␣tied trade␣deficits traditionated traditionized trichodectids tricuspidated undebilitated undelimitated undistributed uninterdicted unintimidated
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