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There are 107 fifteen-letter words containing D, O, P, R, 2T and Yacidoproteolyte allotetraploidy antiparathyroid antiperiodicity autoproteolyzed autotetraploidy battery-operated bioproductivity body␣temperature cryptacanthodid cryptocustodian cryptocystidean cryptoendoliths daguerreotypist Davy␣Crockett␣cap dermathopytosis dermatophytoses dermatophytosis dihydropteroate disability␣sport dyschromatoptic dystropathology dystrophication dystrophisation endoproteolytic enteropterygoid glycotripeptide glyptosternoids hepatodysentery hydropotentials hydrotherapists hydrotherophyte hydroxyapatites hydroxylapatite hyperadaptation hypercontracted hyperdistention hypereutectoids hypertetraploid nonproductivity odontopterygian osteodystrophia osteodystrophic palatopterygoid parathyroiditis pasture␣day␣moths paternal␣custody periodontopathy peritectoidally photohydrations phytodepuration phytodepurative phytoindicators phytoindicatory phytoremediated phytoremediator pituitary␣bodies playground␣taunt polyarteritides polyarthritides polyprotodontid polytetrahedral polytetrahedron polytraumatised polytraumatized polyunsaturated postcode␣lottery posterodistally posthypocristid postmyocarditis postsedimentary potamotrygonids prebiotinylated preintroductory product␣topology propentdyopents protohypsodonty protomartyrdoms protorothyridid protostrongylid psychodramatist psychroteuthids pterodactylanes pterodactyloids pterygometopids pterygoquadrate repalmitoylated rhytidoplasties rusty-spotted␣cat scytinopteroids security␣deposit shorthand␣typist spermatodactyls spotted␣eagle␣ray stenopterygiids stereodisparity stoned␣ape␣theory taeniopterygids tetrahydropyran tetraiodopyrrol tetralophodonty thyroidopathies trichopterygids trypanosomatids tryptophanamide tryptophandione vampyroteuthids
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 11 words
- French Wiktionary: 23 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 3 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 1 word
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