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There are 64 seventeen-letter words containing D, E, F, H, M, O and Radmiral␣of␣the␣fleet Admiral␣of␣the␣Fleet came␣in␣from␣the␣cold children␣of␣Ishmael come␣in␣from␣the␣cold comes␣up␣from␣behind commanders-in-chief commanders␣in␣chief confirmed␣bachelor Cradle␣of␣Humankind dead␣from␣the␣neck␣up deuterochloroform dichloroformoxime diferuloylmethane diffeomorphically diffeomorphometry dihydrofumariline dihydrokaempferol dimethylformamide diminished␣fourths fallen␣on␣hard␣times feather␣duster␣worm Feldenkrais␣Method ferrohydrodynamic Florida␣honeymoons fluoroiodomethane force␣someone's␣hand freedom␣of␣the␣press frothed␣at␣the␣mouth grandmotherfucker Hartree-Fock␣method heads␣of␣government Heerfordt␣syndrome hemodiafiltration holding␣midfielder hydroxyamfetamine hydroxytamoxifens hyperdeformations hyperdiffusionism hypermodification ichthyodectiforms Indian␣feather␣moss left␣arm␣unorthodox made␣for␣one␣another maids␣of␣honour␣cake make␣head␣nor␣tail␣of makes␣head␣or␣tail␣of memory␣of␣a␣goldfish middleoftheroader middle-of-the-roader mother␣of␣thousands paraformaldehydes pardoning␣my␣French pardonnez␣my␣French Portsmouth␣defence powders␣of␣sympathy rehumidifications rising␣from␣the␣dead scream␣one's␣head␣off set␣the␣world␣aflame solenofilomorphid thermomicrofluids thioformaldehydes yellow-rumped␣finch
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 53 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: 18 words
- German Wiktionary: 89 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 13 words
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