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There are 45 seventeen-letter words containing D, E, F, R, S, T and WAmsterdam␣dwarfism Arctic␣wolf␣spiders Ashford-in-the-Water credit␣default␣swap declarations␣of␣war differential␣screw docketing␣software drink␣with␣the␣flies fan-tailed␣warblers feather␣duster␣worm first␣world␣problem First␣World␣problem five-bar␣swordtails food␣waste␣disposer freshwater␣soldier Gould's␣jewelfronts Grand␣Bay-Westfield grandfathers-in-law long␣drinks␣of␣water low-effort␣syndrome outflow␣boundaries powders␣of␣sympathy right␣and␣left␣screw rufous-tailed␣hawks scaffolding␣towers set␣the␣world␣aflame set␣the␣world␣on␣fire strange␣bedfellows swan␣neck␣deformity tall␣drinks␣of␣water ten␣ways␣from␣Sunday third-wave␣feminism third-wave␣feminist third␣wave␣feminist Tower␣of␣London␣test two-fisted␣drinkers Twyford␣and␣Stenson wedding␣breakfasts what␣are␣friends␣for white-fronted␣geese white-fronted␣goose wildlife␣sanctuary wonders␣of␣the␣world words␣cannot␣define worked␣one's␣tail␣off
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 10 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 125 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 32 words
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