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There are 80 seventeen-letter words containing D, E, O, R, S, T and Xacetohydroxyacids acetohydroxy␣acids azodicarboxylates bastard␣toadflaxes Benardete's␣paradox bisperoxovanadate box␣and␣whisker␣plot carboxydismutases carboxypeptidases cardioexcitations chondrotoxicities comedo␣extractions d'Alembert's␣paradox deoxocastasterone deoxybarbiturates deoxystreptamines deoxytransferases deoxytrillenoside dextrocardiograms dextrosinistrally dextrosulphenidol diastereomixtures dihydroxyacetones dimethoxystyrenes dot␣matrix␣printers electrooxidations ethylcarboxamides exception␣handlers executive-produces executive␣produces executor␣de␣son␣tort expansion␣adapters extended␣metaphors extraordinariness extra␣pairs␣of␣hands extraprosodically ferrohexahydrites hexakisoctahedron high-test␣peroxides hydrodeoxygenates hydroxyacetamides hydroxyalkanoates hydroxybutanoates hydroxycarbamates hydroxycarbonates hydroxycinnamates hydroxyglutarates hydroxymethylases hydroxymethylomes hydroxyphosphates hydroxyquinolates hydroxytamoxifens hydroxywybutosine indecent␣exposures industrial␣complex ketohydroxyestrin Levinthal's␣paradox lunchbox␣Democrats nonclustered␣index octakishexahedron oxidative␣stresses oxyhydrogen␣lights oxyhydroxysulfate oxytetrafluorides paradoxes␣of␣thrift peroxidisulphates peroxodiphosphate peroxynitrous␣acid Petersburg␣paradox quantized␣vortexes sinistrodextrally sulfoxyreductases superantioxidants tetraisopropoxide underapproximates under-approximates ursodeoxycholates white␣arsenic␣oxide xenotetrapeptides xylosylfructoside
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 148 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 6 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 20 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: 2 words
- Dutch Wiktionary: 9 words
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