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There are 65 seventeen-letter words containing D, 2H, O, 2P and Yadenohypophysitis ad-hoc␣polymorphism bisphosphorylated cardiohypertrophy cardiophonography cyclodiphosphates cyclophosphamides cyclophosphamidum dephosphocoenzyme dephosphonylation dephosphorylating dephosphorylation depth-psychologies depth␣psychologies diphenylheptanoid diphenylphosphide diphenylphosphine diphosphorylation dystrophinopathic glycophospholipid hydrogen␣phosphate hydropolysulphide hydroxyphosphates hydroxytryptophan hypochondroplasia hypogonadotrophic hypophysectomised hypophysectomized hypsilophodontids lithokelyphopedia lymphadenopathies lysophosphatidate lysophospholipids molybdophosphates molybdophosphoric nonphosphorylated palaeohydrography paleohydrographic phonocardiography phosphoacetylated phosphoanhydrides phosphoanhydridic phosphodeficiency phosphoglycerides phosphoglycolipid phosphohydrolases phosphohydrolysis phosphohydrolytic phosphomolybdates phosphomolybdenum phosphophorylated phosphovanadylite phytosiderophores polyhydroxyphenol prephosphorylated pseudohydrophobia pseudohydrophobic pseudohypertrophy pseudopsychopathy pseudoxyrhophiids pseudoxyrhophiine pyohydronephrosis pyropheophorbides pyrophosphoramide triphosphorylated
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 20 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 1 word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 1 word
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