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There are 56 eighteen-letter words containing D, E, I, K, M, R and SAlaska␣Standard␣Time alkylcarbodiimides American␣black␣ducks American␣Eskimo␣Dogs American␣snakebirds Ashton-in-Makerfield Beck-Ibrahim␣disease butterfly␣milkweeds chamber␣candlestick Chandrasekhar␣limit cried␣over␣spilt␣milk Crookes␣radiometers dancing␣master's␣kits derivatives␣markets desktop␣environment displaced␣homemaker divertissementlike drink␣from␣a␣firehose drinking␣man's␣degree dry␣film␣thicknesses failed␣back␣syndrome green␣monkey␣disease hidden␣Markov␣models Ing-Manske␣procedure inside-the-park␣homer Kangaroo␣Island␣emus keyboard␣instrument kissed␣someone's␣ring Lady␣Baltimore␣cakes milk-alkali␣syndrome mind␣like␣a␣steel␣trap moved␣the␣yardsticks moves␣the␣yardsticks Murphy-Lane␣bone␣skid my␣kingdom␣for␣a␣horse no␣names,␣no␣pack␣drill Parkinson's␣syndrome peckerwood␣sawmills pseudohyperkalemia pumpernickel␣breads radial␣keratotomies Sakurajima␣radishes sick␣office␣syndrome small␣unmarked␣bills small,␣unmarked␣bills smokestack␣industry spiked␣a␣temperature sticky␣bead␣argument sticky␣shed␣syndrome stock␣market␣indexes stock␣market␣indices table-maker's␣dilemma toxic␣shock␣syndrome unmarked␣small␣bills unmarked,␣small␣bills wrecking␣amendments
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- French Wiktionary: 19 words
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- German Wiktionary: 282 words
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