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There are 43 words containing 2D, H, M and 3Sshoddyisms —— duchessdoms Yiddishisms —— smash␣and␣dash —— dead␣men's␣shoes —— dysthyroidisms Miss␣Fidditches St␣Edmund's␣House thalassemydids —— chasmataspidids mother␣goddesses —— dead␣man's␣switches diminished␣sixths misdistinguished smashed␣and␣dashed smashes␣and␣dashes —— Christmas␣puddings diminished␣seconds endorhamnosidases Gauss-Seidel␣method right-mindednesses schizoplasmodiids symphysanodontids —— broadswordsmanship diminished␣sevenths smashing␣and␣dashing sticky␣shed␣syndrome Swedish␣limpa␣breads twiddles␣one's␣thumbs —— dashed␣someone's␣hopes distress␣merchandise Hausdorff␣dimensions Householder's␣methods method␣to␣one's␣madness Schwarzschild␣models —— Ehlers-Danlos␣syndrome flesh␣one's␣maiden␣sword modified␣chest␣thrusts Schwarzschild's␣method —— Ehlers-Danlos␣syndromes Erdheim-Chester␣disease Köhlmeier-Degos␣disease pseudomonosaccharides
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